Mom passed away, October 7th, 2001...
She had a heart attack Wednesday Oct 3rd, 2001. Then while waiting for the next procedures,
the doctors kept scairing her with stories of the course of action she must take.
I truly think she died of fright, because after being terribly upset and agitated
Saturday Evening, she had another heart attack Sunday morning, that they could not
pull her through. Moms brother died exactly the same way about 12 years before.
He had a heart attack, went in, and while waiting for surgery, the doctors had
him frightened, and he too died of a heart attack before the hospital could move
onto the next step (open heart).
Visit my webpage of Mom & Dad.
Click --- here --- to visit the "Mom & Dad & Friends" Webpage
Theresa passed away, February 24, 2003.
My friend, Theresa, who was like a sister to me, lost a courageous fight with
Cancer February 24, 2003. She was only 39 years old. She knew me
better than anyone else in the world. She could look at my face and
knew what I was thinking. She knew how to make all my hurts go away.
Now, all of her hurts are gone. She is with her mother, her sister, and
my mother and father. I wish there was a way that I could put into words
how special she was to me. She knew things about me that no-one else
ever knew, and now, no-one else will ever know. Her pain has stopped, but
mine (and all of her friends) will never go away because we will miss her so much.
Theresa and I went to Put-in-bay in Ohio a few years ago, click
to look at photos from that day. We had Sooo much fun!