This is the page for the Trafaulgar Euopean Vacation - IT IS COMPLETE !!!!! (about 4000 pictures!)
INSTRUCTIONS (Once all the pages are working)
Click on a link below, and it will take you to another page with a BIG picture on the top, and a BUNCH of little pictures below (these are called Thumbnails). If you click on the smaller picture, it will "pop up" into the BIG box at the top to make it easier to see. (You might have to scroll down to see/click on a small picture, THEN SCROLL BACK UP TO LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE. At THAT point, if you RIGHT CLICK on the BIG picture, you can "SAVE PICTURE AS" to your local hard drive. DON'T right click on the smaller pictures, they have been shrunk in special software, and if you save THOSE to you hard drive, they will be very GRAINY and look AWFUL! When you "right click" on a picture, it will give you the "PHOTO NUMBER" for my reference, if you need to write to me for any reason about a photo......