2003 New York Vacation
Here are directories of all the 287 photos - Click on the one you want to see.
The photos have been reduced and are a bit GRAINY,
If you want a 1Meg Clear Photo, just email me with the Photo Number
(hover over it and look in the lower left corner of your browser screen)
A - Misc Town Shots including the arriving in New York, a Carriage in Central Park, Macys, and the MTV studios
B - Ground Zero including the "I-Beam Cross", and mourners visiting the site
C - Around town - The seafood district - The Live Web CAMERAS
D - Tribute to Fireman - a Trip to a Firehouse - Firemen
E - EXPENSIVE PARKING - Rockefeller Center - Expensive Parking - Saks 5th Avenue
F - Al Roker (No we didnt get on TV)
G - More Rockefeller Center - A Church - and Trump Tower (expensive Jewelry)
H - Taping Good Morning America Spot for TV and Visit to FAO Swarz (sp?)
I - Central Park
J - Strange Man in Times Square who calls himself the Naked Cowboy
K - Times Square - Tavern on the Green (They didnt even wait on us, too underdressed), Strawberry Fields in Central Park
L - Hard Rock Cafe and more city shots
M - A Foggy Day - Garment District - Macys
N - Visit to the Wax Museum
O - Tribute to the Twin Towers at the Wax Museum
P - Grand Central Station
Q - Times Square at Nite
R - View from our Hotel Room Window
Movies Page (short 60 second movies from Vacation)
You WILL need to download a Quicktime plug-in from "apple.com"